Video: Sheriff's Source: 2 Million Terrorists Have Entered U.S.

Coming through Biden’s open border

There's a new report that charges there might be two million terrorists who have gained access to the United States, and are inside the borders now, as a result of Joe Biden's open borders policies for the nation's security.

That some have entered is without doubt, as border security teams have confirmed they've stopped even those on terror watch lists at the border, and those experts really have no way of monitoring those they miss.

Biden opened the borders when he took office by halting virtually all of the border security measures that had been assembled under the term of President Donald Trump.

Since then so many millions of illegals have entered the nation that even “sanctuary” cities whose officials purport to be in support of the world’s migrant population have been insisting that the floods be halted.

Now reporter William J. Kelly has posted a report, citing a source from the National Sheriff’s Association.


Former Border Patrol Agent Zack Taylor Warns What's ComingThat information explains two million suspected terrorists may have crossed the border already into the U.S.

Kelly, in his “Chicago Files” report, noted the Democratic National Convention is scheduled in Chicago.

That leaves circumstances putting a “bull’s-eye” on the city, he said.

Border experts have confirmed that many of those entering the U.S. across Biden’s open border are men, of military age, and often traveling without family.

Related Video:   Warning from Border Agent back in 2006!

Former Border Patrol Agent Zack Taylor Warns What's Coming

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