Video: Nunes: 'Pervy' Democracts Asked Hope Hicks About Her Love LIfe

'Bizarre' that 'Jurassic Park' politicians would demand testimony ag

Is this what Americans want representing them in Washington: “A bunch of old pervy congressmen”?

That’s what they’ve got, according to Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif.

He was being interviewed on Fox News about a demand this week by majority House Democrats that former White House adviser Hope Hicks respond to questions in another deposition.

“I think it’s very bizarre to have a bunch of old, pervy congressmen asking somebody who has no new information about her love life,” he said.

“My sources that were inside … said it was quite embarrassing to watch. The Democratic congressmen essentially asked Hope Hicks about her love life.

“I think the American people would be ashamed."

The Democrats are continuing to probe issues already resolved by the two-year-long investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller.

His work was triggered by Democratic-funded, political-opposition research from Russian sources during the 2016 campaign. Mueller concluded the Trump campaign did not collude with Russia, and he brought no charges of obstruction of justice.

Since then, while Republicans demand a full investigation into how the false accusations were brought by the Barack Obama administration, Democrats have continued to insist there was collusion.

They want to interview Mueller, the president’s lawyer and many other Trump figures, including Hicks.

See the interview:

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