TOM RENZ: The Omnibus CR Funding Bill —The WHO Treaty in Disguise

Did you know that the omnibus CR funding bill that GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson put forward would have enshrined a number of aspects of the WHO Treaty into law in America?

Did you know it expanded COVID lockdown law to other diseases? Did you know it reiterated and strengthened laws that provide legal immunity for vaccine manufacturers?

I’m guessing you didn’t because almost no one did but all these things are true and Congressional leadership seems hell bent on bringing it back. While a full evaluation of everything this nightmare does let me offer a few examples of the shadiness as a means of explanation.

Hundreds of pages of this continuing resolution spending bill were dedicated to health policy. Why? The purpose of the bill is to keep the government funded – temporarily – until an actual budget could be passed (I know – ha ha).

Regardless of the likelihood of Congress doing their job and passing a budget, the Republican led House ought to want to pass something minimalistic so that the next Congress and incoming Trump administration can fight for their agenda more fully. Instead, we have major critical provisions everywhere.

While the focus here is on the corrupt health policies included in the bill, it should be noted that there is also a related provision of the bill that would have supported the State Department Global Engagement Center (GEC).

The GEC worked with numerous NGOs from other nations to promote censorship during COVID and, in light of the major focus on health policy in this bill, it appears that the continued support for the GEC is likely to be based on a desire to continue to censor information on health.

That censorship has been incredibly severe and it seems like this provision is timed to provide legal cover for censorship activities related to the upcoming plandemics that Peter Hotez referenced recently in an interview.

In the shadow of this nightmarish backdrop – Congress drops this bill. The bill was written in a way designed to hide its true purpose. This is particularly true in terms of its expansion of COVID lockdown laws. For example, here is a portion of page 724 of the bill:

Lines 9-15 really look innocuous and make almost no sense… at least until you look at what they mean in context. These lines reference other law and changes a few words so let’s look at what they change. Here’s the law as it is written today:

As you can see the law that is being changed is in reference to creating a “National Health Security Strategy” and a “public health workforce.” This section of law was created specifically to put people in place to deal the “COVID emergency”.

The new bill changes about 7 words but completely changes the law. With the changes, the newly updated law would read:


The National Health Security Strategy shall include a national strategy for establishing, maintaining, and sustaining an effective and prepared public health workforce, including defining the functions, capabilities, and gaps in such workforce (including gaps in the environmental health and animal health workforces, as applicable), describing the status of such workforce, identifying strategies to recruit, retain, and protect such workforce from workplace exposures during public health emergencies, and identifying current capabilities to meet the requirements of section 300hh-2 of this title.

This means that instead of letting an old COVID policy expire, we are now creating and funding a permanent “public health workforce” to deal with “public health emergencies.” We were told repeatedly that COVID was a once in a century plandemic so why do we need a permanent workforce to deal with this sort of thing?

A similar example can be found on pages 740 and 741. Here we see 42 USC 247d-7e being amended in a way that makes very little sense.

Here’s the original section of law:

The new section would read like this:

(D) Supporting innovation

To carry out the purpose described in paragraph (2)(D), the Secretary may award contracts, grants, and cooperative agreements, or enter into other transactions, such as prize payments, to promote—

(i) innovation in technologies that may assist countermeasure and product advanced research and development, including to improve manufacturing capacities and capabilities for medical countermeasures;

(ii) research on and development of research tools and other devices and technologies; and

(iii) research and development of medical countermeasures for priority virus families that have significant potential to cause a pandemic, including such countermeasures that take either pathogen-specific or pathogen-agnostic approaches, and platform technologies to improve the development and manufacture of such medical countermeasures; and”;

(iv) research to promote strategic initiatives, such as rapid diagnostics, broad spectrum antimicrobials, vaccine-manufacturing technologies, dose-sparing technologies, efficacy-increasing technologies, platform technologies, technologies to administer countermeasures, and technologies to improve storage and transportation of countermeasures.

This addition of section iii is significant. While a bit vague, the section appears to authorize research very broadly. It could also easily be read to allow gain of function work on about any virus family out there as long as it was being done to “create a cure.”

The language about pathogen specific or agnostic approaches allows for additional research on platforms/gene therapies – like mRNA, DNA, etc. It also broadly authorizes research into “platform technologies” that may include transhumanist concepts such as nano-tech. None of this is required under the law but the Secretary may offer such awards.

This might all be fine with Bobby Kennedy at the helm but if we have another crooked clown at HHS like we have now you can bet that the loosely written nature of this section would be leveraged.

In my mind, before such broad discretion is provided to the executive branch to basically research anything and everything, using any means necessary to find cures to any potential disease perhaps we ought to consider the ethical failures of the last 4 years.

Why would Congress authorize the Secretary to fund risky research in a CR funding bill? This was clearly meant to be unnoticed.

Ultimately this bill was a disaster and appears to have been shelved. That said, the fact that Mike Johnson would put forth a bill that does so much damage to our freedom should be terrifying.

This bill would open the door to the WHO treaty being implemented in the next emergency, limit Kennedy’s ability to deal with many issues related to healthcare, and expand COVID lockdown powers.

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