Video: CNN Interviews Ohio DEMOCRAT Trump Voters One Year Later -- Gets Stunned by Answers

Editor's Note: I can't even believe CNN aired this . . .


CNN Shocked That Trump Voters Thrilled at His First Year

Former Democrats express glee at president’s achievements. 

In an apparent effort to pour scorn on the president’s first year in office, CNN traveled to Youngstown, Ohio to ask former Democrats who switched parties to vote for Trump what they thought of his performance, only to discover they were thrilled with the job Trump’s doing.

The report points out that 7,000 registered Democrats in one county switched from being Democrats to Republicans to vote for Donald Trump.

One former Democrat featured in the report said he switched because he realized “the core foundation of the country is slipping away”. Another woman remarked, “It got to the point where I did not like the direction my country was going”.

Perhaps expecting the five former Democrats to express regret that they switched to vote for Trump, CNN’s Martin Savage asked how Trump was doing one year in. The answers were resounding.


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